My Certifications

Below are some of my course certificates & achievements


‘A little progress each day adds up to big results”

– Satya Nani


Master's Degree


Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Ira. A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, Arizona State University.

Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering from Savitribai Phule Pune University, India.

IUCAA Competition - 1st Prize


Got a 1st prize in ‘Scientific Model Making Competition’ held by Inter University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics (IUCAA) where I represented a working model of the ‘Mars Curiosity Rover’.

Sinhgad Karandak - Event Organizer


In my Undergrad, I have organized and participated in an event called ‘Technical Ambassador’.

Homer Software Workshop Participation


Attended a workshop on Homer Energy Software organized by Energy & Environmental Engineering Club in Undergrad.

Advanced Turbomachinery Simulations

A small workshop on advanced turbomachinery simulations using converge CFD

Online Course Certifications

Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T): Basics


The course is designed in a way to build from the basic concepts of engineering drawing towards more complex concepts.  It starts with explaining the importance of an engineering drawing and going on to explain why GD&T and then a deep dive into the concepts of GD&T.

Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (FMEA)


This Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Masterclass is a Specialization program that provides you a practical perspective of Reliability Management, Risk Management and Risk Measurement in your business process.

SolidWorks: Become a Certified Associate(CSWA)

This course is good to re-brush your SolidWorks knowledge and gives an overall idea about the Certified SolidWorks Associate exam. 

Robotics: Aerial Robotics


This course is offered by University of Pennsylvania and gives an introduction to the mechanics of flight and the design of quadrotor flying robots and will be able to develop dynamic models, derive controllers, and synthesize planners for operating in three dimensional environments. 

Robotics: Computational Motion Planning


In this course we will consider the problem of how a robot decides what to do to achieve its goals. This problem is often referred to as Motion Planning and it has been formulated in various ways to model different situations. 

Robotics: Mobility


This course gives an idea about how to design robot bodies and behaviors that recruit limbs and more general appendages to apply physical forces that confer reliable mobility in a complex and dynamic world. This course is also offered by University of Pennsylvania.

Rapid Prototyping for Product Design


This course includes first-hand looks at the machinery and techniques behind 3D printing, machining, resin casting, injection molding, 2D prototyping, and laser scanning. This course gives solid understanding of the available prototyping processes, and knowledge of the machinery and tools to bring your product through the prototyping stage and into the real world.

SolidWorks 2020 Essential Training

This course teaches you how to build ready-to-manufacture parts and assemblies as well as detailed drawings and itemized bills of materials in SOLIDWORKS 2020. It also teaches how to create 2D sketches and then extrude, revolve, loft & sweep these features into 3D objects, advanced modeling techniques using blocks, mirroring, and the SOLIDWORKS pattern tools. 

SolidWorks: Drawings

 In this course, you can go way beyond generating basic views of parts by learning how to create drawings from all the data and views available in a SOLIDWORKS model. it teaches how to use standard views, add and delete views, derive more complex views such as auxiliary and crop views, and work with all the available dimensioning tools.

SolidWorks: Sheet Metal Design


This course gets you up to speed with the sheet metal tools in SOLIDWORKS, and takes you on a trip to the factory floor to see the final manufactured results.

SolidWorks: Surfacing

This course reviews key concepts and techniques to help you tackle the CSWPA-SU exam with confidence. This course covers creating splines, projected and lofted curves, and 3D sketches; knitting surfaces together; moving and offsetting surfaces; building boundary and planar surfaces

SolidWorks: SimulationXpress

This course shows you how to create and run simulations so you can evaluate the function and strength of your models. Learn how to identify which parts of your designs need additional modifications—using stress testing, displacement values, and factor of safety results.

SolidWorks: Advanced Tools

This course teaches some of the more advanced manufacturing verification and simulation tools that are available in SOLIDWORKS, and how you can leverage them to efficiently to review your assemblies and parts for errors.

SolidWorks: Simulation for Finite Element Analysis (FEA)


This course introduces how to set up a model for FEA analysis, run the analysis, and interpret the results to optimize your SOLIDWORKS models.

Product Design: From Sketch to CAD

This course takes your concept sketch through a workflow that begins in Adobe Photoshop, moves to Rhino for revision & ends in Illustrator, where you finalize your model for presentation.